Friday, March 25, 2005

oh annoying.

im playing spider solitaire on another screen (because the computer likes to dawdle about) and i was doing well-- than i pressed 'deal', only to receive stupid cards. now im unable to move any card at all. anyways. i was going to write about something. ahhh. yes. and this was going to be the "title"... 'Tomah. 6:32. The sky is breathtaking.' i was planning on working my magic to place you in a mood that would glorify the creator of this place we have dubbed "home of the brave and land of the free," instead i feel that perhaps i shall now dismiss myself to the corner for 23 minutes for bringing such unnecessary pessimism into this arena. oh dear. bye. **************** the left corner of the freezer. ice cream. this sort of punishment is permissable. travel across the state to visit with my dear grandparents today was good. good meaning great. we made ukranian eggs and laughed, and they loved me. it was nice. nice meaning right now i wish i lived a lot closer to those amazing individuals. on the way home- on the way out of my-quick-stop-at-walmart, i did a double-take glace/stare at the sky. then more than simply a peek was in store-- i gazed. the sky held such magnificance. swirls of muted colors, multiple kinds of clouds. it seemd to portray hope. the colors weren't bright. the clouds displayed no sense of stabilty. if an artist were to paint the imagery on canvas; i would imagian persons, myself included, to mock the artist's inclination to define the peice as something which actually was. the sky held seemingly no sense of organization. if an amateur or professional were to photograph the sky over Tomah at 6:32 this evening: the grand strokes of percission that the creator worked would fail to be captured. a four by six, a six by ten...can not attempt to capture the envelope of hope the was undeniable to this existence. friday. "good" friday. the friday that has been written on calander to remember blood, to recall pain, to i n t r o d u c e faith and power and being stilled momentarily--not only for this one day out of the calander year. it is essential to pause daily. not to became another morning ritual. rather to involve one's self in understanding the story. inside and out. as much as, we persons are able to right now. so what happened "good" friday? what happened the friday prior, what was going on? what occured the friday after? what was than in place? frankly, i don't care if you claim to be a christian. i don't care about your job or your family or your marital status. i don't care if you listen to rap or country or bach. i don't care what brand you currently have etched into your back pocket. i don't care about any of that stuff, not right now. i do care about truth. not necessarily the denominational doctire. not necessarily church services. not necessarily tarrot cards. not necessarily the koran. i have tasted truth. i have seen it. some of you have as well. when you find it, i challanege you to never release your grip-- but if you are not certain the you have found the truth the sets a person free. search the far corners of the earth until you do. meanwhile, i challange you also, to be informed. agian i don't care about a lot of things in this instance: but let us not be ignorant americans. ignorant people. let us know the stories behind the calander's declaration of a holiday. know the stories inside and out.
good night. im off to the nursing home for the next several days. hanging out with more grandparents. i do care about you. i do care that your very being be so invaded with truth that it only can allow you to step back and stare and wonder and rejoice. you sleep tight too. and enjoy egg salad for the next two weeks, truely.

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