Wednesday, March 16, 2005

hwy 64, forest- LWC

hi. i really don't know the extent of my audience, (am im ok either way-- either you are waving at me through the screen or i am simply doing justice to myself by improving my spelling and typing skills). but hello there.

it is super late. well... i have been crawling into bed inbetween 9 and 10, so this is late for me but i seem to have energy so i am planning on spending it-- spending the last waking hours of the day that is, because i don't want to turn off the lights quite yet and i'm to partake in a quiet activity out of respect for those who need to throw their covers off earlier than i.

i went to church this evening and hung out a bit afterwards with a handful of fun kids.
james is a boy (man now) that i grew up with: we attended the same elementary and high school. we were in o.m. together, and drama, and we used to lead up the early morning prayer meetings throughout those crazy teenage years in the chilly shop room. my friend, james. oh how to describe this man who used to leave corny tracts in the guy's bathroom, and now can not seem to contain his enthusiasm about traveling to brazil to work hard while serving and loving people. he is planning on leaving in may of this year. james now comes to my home church-- good, but weird... robyn and james are engaged.
robyn and i went to the same high school (and james). she is a year older than i but we met across the art table when i was a freshman. a strange friendship and a tight bond grew out of our anyletical sessions of working to decipher our personality types, etc, etc. our times together would delve into great depths and than we would determine that it was time to laugh-- we had to talk about having fun. wow. robyn is still a dear friend whom i admire and trust. and her home church is my home church, thus i saw those two-- she gave me BURT's tonight- a true pal she proves to be. ((it has been really neat to watch, yet another pair of my friends relize that they were good together- and not just hanging out for a bit.))
aaron grew up in clear lake. i don't know him too well, his connection at the church grew moreso after i was in mn for a bit. his heart weeps for people like few i have ever seen. aaron helps with sunday school ministry within this church body- he cares about those little guys so much.
sarah recently moved to river falls but she finds it appropriate to drive back to this particular hub of a church to stay connected and encouraged during this period. she works with the youth and allows her core to break for them. sarah continues to seek and listen and seek and listen. she is a women that encourages me.
darren, my former youth pastor, and current friend found me as i was heading out the door. i gave him an ever-popular side hug and he looked into my eyes and pulled out truth. darren was present when i wept over a list of things i wanted to be at the age of fourteen, and i pushed my broken heap of self onto the lap of this god of nice stories- once agian. darren, my youth pastor, my friend. so i told him tonight of the god that was teaching me little things-- tiny things, that one could argue may not hold great weight in the mighty scheme of things. those things-- for some reason i have to learn them, and i am and you know it's still a day to day, hour to hour, situation to situation deal. darren and his wife, libby, are having expecting their first baby. exciting. and yes, they will be super parents.
the church gang has changed. some have moved. some have changed their priorities. some have _____________, fill in the blank. when i think about statistics, i know that not a great deal of the church building's population consists of 20-something year olds. (sad? i don't know how to describe my thoughts... i don't attend on sundays because now i am working during those morning hours. i just am not sure what i think, besides the underlying dileama, i believe, has nothing to do with the particular day of the week that meetings of teaching and hours of coorporate worship are held...)

good night. now i am sleepy. i am off to dream.

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