Monday, September 12, 2005

i have this book...

it is on the smallish side. it is red, and hardcovered. across the center it reads
P A S S I O N. and than in the bottom right corner, letters are formed together to read every day. it is a blank book except for these thought-provoking quotes on the bottom edges of the paper as you flip through. (i have made it into a planner thing. not because i am in the mood to be artsy-- nope. i simply ran out of money to purchase predated sheets.) here is today's quote ***err, i am making it be today's quote. enjoy. "Follow your desire as long as you live." -PTAH HOTEP. i don't think i will attempt to alter the fonts for a while. that was sort of an exhausting process._______________ the computers are still dead at home. the liberary does wonders.________________for labor day i visited my grandparents. my grandpa's cancer is on the rise, so that is kind of tough. he is 83 and drives way fast. i always think that it may be the last time my feet touch solid ground every time i get in his vehicle with him. funny adventures. they had a bowl of chocolate kisses that were within eyesight basically the entire time i was there. they really enjoyed the camera phone on my mom's new cell phone._______________ (these words don't got together: mom, cell phone.) oh, and i wasn't invited in on the family plan that my younger sister and parents set up with their new communication method. hilarious. now i simply watch with a shake of my head as they venture out to the left corner of the porch to gain reception.__________ i am looking into apartments in hudson, wi. it is a beautiful boarder town. it is definatly a large town. i wasn't looking at large towns! (i was craving a big city-- not in the midwest region) however... as i have been talking with individuals for the long while... and finally pausing to tie some of it together more recently, it seems the this is the next step. i am thinking a couple years rights now, and that is what is running through my mind as i consider some more things that are revealing themseves... the idea of nursing has raced through mind A LOT. i still wish god would hand me a peice of paper about exactly how this life is to unfold but it seems that i am finalizing some decisions that have been long awaited. peace, for real- has taken over when last week, i first spoke these ideas. now, i must see about enabling them to come about and not simply running with my pipe-dreams._________________i was in the cities over the weekend. it was refreshing. it was nice to know that i am still able to be a defensive driver.________ two of my uncles are in new orleans- helping where they are able to. i long to go. they're might be an oppurtunity to get down there with the church my parent's attend. we will see. for tonight i stand in the northern woods and i pray, for that situation and others.______ night all. i enjoy comments. any kind. (funny-- how did that happen?) *where lays your passion?

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