Saturday, September 24, 2005

crab legs, ...stalking is exhausting..., a pinched pinky, and girly girl scouts, etc.

welcome to my filtered-for-readership mind. hi.

  1. karen and dad: (mom said she kind of likes it when i address her the way the majority of the world does. though i typically mention her name in a jokingly-i'm-so-old, and so-are-you manner. notice how i am now attempting to seriously approach this new-call-your-parents-by-their-first-name-thing. dad, or james william... stated that he would continue to like to be mentioned or beckoned to, by that same noise that come out of my mouth when i was about two. so, dad-- i will continue to do my best. *i am grinning. i like those people.) my parents left for an east coast trip. in fact they drove through NY city yesterday-- and if i were with them, we WOULD HAVE stopped to view oliver twist on the big screen. __if you a presently in NY or LA, go see it. come on, you totally have a week on the rest of the nation! take advantage of that privledge already!-- they get to meet the man (mass.) that amber is serious about... that's cool.-- and go to my mom's side reunion (maine) and expeirence faces and laughter that has not been see or heard in many years. and hang out at the ocean. and eat lobster. oh-my-delicious. ((thus my reasoning for pondering moreso the amazing buttered crab legs that i consumed the other evening. even though i am unable to see the waves, i am still able to feast upon the creatures of the deep. delightful seafood, i like you. thank you for making my tastebuds happy.)) and they'll probably eat cake. i don't know, but i would bet big money on it. usually at larger events-- don't people usually eat cake?
  2. a question was brought up a bit ago. when you exchange casual information with another person (whom you don't really know), one person or both saying that it would be fun to hang out-- do you call them back? i am sure the person i was speaking with didn't ask the question in the exact same way that i just pronounced it, though similar... this question was pertaining to the scores of cell phone numbers stowed away (friend thing/ non romantic thing), it may pertain to the numerous email addresses that have been filed electronically... we chatted, and discussed, and attempted to solve the dileama of lack of community, within 47 minutes. just in case, you're wondering-- the issue is not "fixed." just in case, you're wondering-- i believe christ-like living requires community. i think it is much more scarey to 'open up' when one has only been 'closed,' than to be a contestent on Fear Factor... because on the reality program, you have away-from-camera's-view-helper-emergency-people in case anything may go wrong... than, of course, if the god i serve is the same god described in the bible, than, well... heck, bring on the community moreso. connect with the hordes that just sit in the filed address books. one muttered comment was STALKING IS EXHAUSTING which i think is true. every time. ((with people there is an obvious point of annoyance leading to unhealthy crap leading later to possible danger, here me shout: r.e.s.p.e.c.t.)) however, now is see that statement could protray truth in more cirrcumstances... GO COmmUNiTY, because people want it bad-- a lot of people it seems. go coMMunIty. RAHH. RAHH. RAHH. (ha)
  3. and yes, my dang pinky was smashed by gordon's side rail. it still hurts. i know this because i keep pressing down on it to see if the pain is still present. why do we do that? inflecting pain upon oneself. shoot.
  4. the girl scouts are making beaded things in the back room and listening to cheesy pop music. i used to like in a sort of peer pressured way.
  5. i want soup. some thick, creamy soup. i am not sure what kind.---i mailed my last september bills today. it sort feels like i am prematurely bidding my "i wish i could see you again but i NEVER will"'s to september. but i guess that is just how it works.--- the leaves are turning.--- avery is dead. i sort of want a cat. probably not really. i just want something to pet and feed. it is like unhealthly relationship searching after a breakup, i suppose. i don't really know. but maybe. anyways. i am not a cat person. but i would really like to have a little kitty for about a week. than i might not recall avery's death... only the other times.--- last weekend i dressed up and played guestbook lady/presents girl/blue drink server at a good friend's wedding. it was beautiful; the guestbook was, and the wrapping paper, and yes, i was partcularly fond of the laddle... well, and the bride= no doubt: stunning, groom= handsome, for real and the ceremony; beautiful. i was able to reconnect with one of my friends from high school. he is a navy man-- weird, and he has a house-- that is so weird. weird, meaning very neat, i am excited for him, we are so old (but not really-- i take care of a lady who is 103.)... and it is weird, and neat, and exciting to see where he is at now. oh matt. i am proud of you friend.---wonder what's up with hurricane rita. i have only heard little and read before-it-hits-land-predictions...--- i ran out of gas for the first time. i was on the interstate. i was more frustrated that anything else because i could see a sign for the next exit being only one mile away. it was nice to stop a cop, instead of vise-versa. bethany was my first hero. and aaron was my second. he and bethany work together to jump-start my little petrol eater. positive to postive, negative to negative. *yeah. we put gas into it. but than the battery was dead. i totally wish i had a camera. i saw too huge crated trucks with pumpkins. if that doesn't speak fall/autumn, than i don't even know. it was nice to be rescued.---i get to sleep in past four a.m. tommarow. what about yourself.--- sleep tight. when you get there.

that is plenty. now into your mind. shall we delve? ha. let it be a good day. and yes, it is your turn.


  1. I truly love how you randomly thoughtfully creative! It puts a smile on my face every time I read it!
    p.s. Hey! You have a great blog here...I'm definantly adding you to my favorites!
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    ha ha...sound familiar..I really find those ad people annoying! :)

  2. I truly love how you randomly thoughtfully creative! It puts a smile on my face every time I read it!
    p.s. Hey! You have a great blog here...I'm definantly adding you to my favorites!
    ...if you have time check out my
    ha ha...sound familiar..I really find those ad people annoying! :)
