Tuesday, May 24, 2005

partial credit: endorphins

I went running when I returned from the place where I usually head off to on weekdays. I opted to conquer a hill-ier route… but the last time I actually went out with the purpose off working up a sweat was quite some time ago--- so I huffed along. Passing the trilliums, which spread themselves throughout the ditches and back into the trees in way that seemed to beckon any passerby. They are the same wildflowers which caused my nose to drink deeply of their sweetness. (By the way trilliums are WI’s flower so supposedly it is illegal to pick them-- however, the wooded nature of much the state’s landscape makes the rule rather ridiculous. So, of course we have them in vases and jars throughout the house. It would probably be more so ridiculous if we did not cease this opportunity.) Spotting my very favorite weed, throwing out it’s yellow flare, I ran on. Over gravel, and sand, and worn down black top. I trudged up the hills, spitting was minimum. I went on. Than I stopped. I walked to the middle of the road, and I just stood there. (Yes… the back, back roads.) My mind was full. My heart, the same. I looked down the black-topped-path-made-for-heavy-wheels in both directions. “I was standing in the middle of the road. Thee middle.” It wasn’t very crazy, because I seemed not to be in midst of raging traffic- but it was wonderful, so I stood their longer. I walked into the woods. There was a horizon that I could see. I wanted to know what was beyond it. Intrigue overtook my set task. I was now heading off in yet another direction- one I did not originally set out to take. Walking through the tall grasses, and the short may flowers. Stepping over the fallen branches and crouching to make a pass under the fairy bridge. I went up. I ran through some nettles and yes, they stung pretty bad--- but oh my gosh, when I arrived to my new chosen designation… it was amazing. I looked about in every direction that I could and old, known images, in totally new angles and perspectives and locations enticed me. I circled about, and I sang. And I just was. I sat and I looked really closely one moment-- and than I peer out and attempted to blob my surrounding in like a vague cartoon-ish sketch………… There were more horizons. In every direction. Oh, how I longed to walk them all. To race to the edge of each, and to peer- and see- and know. Know what I didn’t know yet.----------- Now, I am typing. Some of my thoughts show up in word form on a screen. I am having a what-really-matters-? moment. I am involved in a God-is-so-big, and-I-don’t-really-understand-him-! hour. I am sitting in a time of peace-that-surpasses, and-even-still-I throw-in-my-two-cents-comments. ((I really like to just play. And today, instead of the predetermined run… I actually just got to play. Maybe I will start jumping on my bed every night. Maybe I will put aside the thought of having to replace springs. Maybe I will just jump already, or twirl, or giggle, or draw with the juices of a smashed bug or a smashed flower, or go barefoot- and wiggle my toes deliberately. Maybe I will really look at the creator‘s pieces of nothing-short-of-amazing art, while I wiggle my toes. Maybe.))

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