Monday, April 4, 2005

a wink and a smile

"we go together like a wink and a smile"-- the song from sleepless in seattle that is now programed to 'repeat' on the player in my mind.

emma got in a bad car wreck over the weekend. she hit a big cement thing in the ditch right above a stream. the car she was driving is totally smashed up, and by the looks of the vehicle everyone has been in awe at the fact that she walked away from it. she was taken to the e.r. and had a catscan done, as well, as a bunch of face and neck x-rays. she is in so much pain. they have her on vicadon- however you spell that one. (i only know that this medication is way strong because we give it to the residents at the nh.) so, um yeah. know that. my little sister hurts (OOO).

before the wreck...the other night... my dad and i were chatting. he told me that the only thing he feared was physical pain on earth. we talked a bit more. now it makes me wonder. what things may we do if physical pain were not felt-- if pain were not feared-- if pain were not known--.

so this night, still being somewhat exhausted from the time change, (hi, mr. golden sun.) i decided to plop down in front of the tv and watch sleepless in seattle with my old, wise parents and my brusied up sister. what a movie. it is good. totally predictable, but good. the script pulls out any lonely feelings a person my have encountered within the last year, or week, or day-- puts the emotions in a nice little pile and causes the viewer to relate to the characters that are being protrayed on the screen. its this way with all movies- to an extent- just different emotions and expeirences are called in for relatabilty. sleepless in seattle. yup. its good.

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