Thursday, July 14, 2005

T day.

  • the high school reunion is in the process of being planned- we are just going to do it. i want everyone to show. it might happen, right? yeah... reality. to me that is the sad part. truly that their are some kids that i went to school with from kindergarten through senior year, and i won't see them agian. i might. statistics shout something else-- but i MIGHT see them all at the get together that someone deemed a "reunion."
  • i figured out my bills on a hunk of cardboard tonight. it was more nice than the stark white of many notebook papers.
  • i found a dubbed copy of pink floyd in my room and i am currently allowing his lyrics and noise thrash about in my head. i have no idea where it come from. i hope i am not a theif.
  • the new harry potter books came in today. i heard that a copy leaked out prior to the release date of the 16th. that is not good. i will be vauge and say it happened east of the mississippi because it did, and i presently do not recall the state, town, zip code, numbered registar, or appearance of the customer it was supposedly sold to. i just don't. inform yourself. i only will provide "east of the mississippi" to wetten your tastebuds. i have yet to read her books-- though i hear she is an author that has the abilty to really pull the readers in.
  • two weddings this weekend. saturday afternoon. sunday evening. my tan lines are in the wrong spots but that can be worked on. the celebrations will be beautiful, i am sure. they are both for friends. i am not in either, which is kind of a nice change from last year. i get to watch and witness and be present on a day that will not be forgotten for the rest of their lives. sunday's is for a good friend from high school. we kept in touch casually throughout the college years and when i was supposed to meet this guy (whom she is now marrying) for the first time-- i accidently slept through our planned breakfast. i have yet to live it down. she recently told me that he still randomly asked if he'll ever get to met to friend who stood us up. only a couple more days buddy. of course, he won't actually remember because he'll totally be enamored with the fact that he is in the process of marrying a stunning women, a hot volleyball player, and a super teacher to little ones and older a like. saturday's will be lovely. i recall meeting with this one as she spoke with such grace about the man who she allowed her heart to open to in vulrability. i remember the words that were cloaked in confidence. i can envision now the sparkles in her smitten eyes. they will be neat displays that i get to witness. i hope my shoes are confortable.
  • i am going back to roundish nails.
  • look up, the sky is amazing.


  1. What other types of nails can one have? I would assume that round fingers could only produce round nails, but I must just be an idiot. Jas, have fun at your reunion. I have one every few months. That is the beauty of homeschooling.

  2. so there are perks with homeschooling? i am totally kidding gabe.
    thank you-- it will be fun though it is still weird for me to think about it-- that group together again. the essence of reunions.
    by the way, some persons work hard to have square tips-- you are right though, round is all natural.
