Friday, July 22, 2005

the daughter of a librarian

the moon wants to come up. it won't. not quite yet. the summer sun lags. that is the truth. it is slow. and it lags. i think it keeps shining for all of the kickball games that are not even nearly over at 8:30 pm. that is what i think. that is why the summer sun lags. and the moon has to wait. it all comes backs to kickball. the same one you were taught in first grade.__ yes, i am a daughter of a librarian. yes, i am in the facilty after the sign on the outside reads "closed." *wells fargo keeps me in-line, money-wise because i am bad at writing in the little book. *blogs don't keep me awake at night, but they do tend to offer perspective during the daylight hours. *hotmail controls my emotions. i am lying. i hope you know that. *random organizational sites make me wonder about my tomarrows. *yahoo maps offer timed direction. that is cool. i wish other sources offered timed direction. oh, yeah. trust.____this weekend consists of an interview. and the bubble baby shower. and betty parent's surprize anniversary party. and swimming at a hotel. and the housesitting people coming home to their home i like calling my home. and sunday school. and challanging-randy-dean-messages-from-jesus-church. and a bridal shower for my hot friend. that might be it on the agenda. did i mention i don't like agendas. i don't. lists are ok. but agendas feel more permenant to me, and thats not fun. oh, and i am going to have fun. i have already decided. but i should go. because the police station is downstairs and yeah... i should maybe go. tonight i get to do dishes and feed the dog and do laudry-- with the music as loud as i please. and i could talk to myself if i wanted to and it wouldn't be deemed weird. perhaps, it would-- but no one but uma will be there. it is friday night and i am alone. and i am so looking forward to loud music. ('shoot hoops' (it seems weird for me to say that, but that is what i did) i did "that" with cat stevens singing to me yesterday's eve. and the stars and the moon looked on. good times. though i have a terrible aim and not very stong arms. it was still good.)


  1. Hi Jas,
    here is address Stuff, how works...

    Tyler Burton
    1045 Hiawatha Ave. #306
    Hopkins,MN 55343

    Love you

  2. thanks ty.
    got it my friend!

    and i love you.
