Tuesday, June 28, 2005

blue things.

blue number one. blue paint. i am making bubbles. blue bubbles. i have never been fond of scrap-booking. don't ask me to like it. i won't. i will try to be nice to you if you or your mom is into pre-cut pastel "artsy" designs. goodness, i will be nice already. just let me make my own design from bold colors and various shades... whatever. i ran into a girl from my graduating class at boyceville. we rode the same bus, and bonded over lisa frank and hard math problems. anyways, she is going to have baby shower shortly, but her grandma needed help with the invitations so, "hey, you enjoy paint and such..." needless to say, i was recruited. she totally sponge-painted these ducks on the fount... from cutting up a normal scrubbing sponge from wal-mart. i was impressed. of course i couldn't say 'no' to an independent, inventive project such as the one i just happened to run into. and this girl, is lovely. i missed her. i wondered about her. and i am now so glad i ran into her. yes, blue bubbles all over the place. that was the request, and i am trying my best to offer a good follow-through. they look good. you are invited. i don't exactly know when it is, but it will be for a connorsville new one. by the way, connorsville kids are totally going to take over the world. don't take "by the way's" lightly._____
blue number two. blue water. emma choose to be baptized sunday evening. it was a beautiful sight. as she spoke words of hope, her tears displayed how real god was/is in her life-- in changing her, and building her, and now in her display to live out her faith. "i am totally ready. 100%." i shuddered as i listened to the words that came tumbling out of her depth. i shudder because i know that great opposition often comes at the doors of those who throw out all but jesus in their lives. i shudder because i am so stinkin' proud of her, but now a new sense of responsibly has come upon me. i can not be lax in my prayers for my sister. i shudder because i remember clearly the soon after hours, the days, the months. i recall the newness and the attentiveness that had. so, yeah. the water was blue. and. a good friend's fiance opted to jump in at the last moment. that alone was worth the trip into town. holly told me afterwards that she and him had been discussing the biblical implications for a while, and to no one's prior notification he decided the hour could wait not one longer. so, holly helped and in her jeans, she was a soggy mess. but those messes are what it is all about. emma's surrender. nat's surrender. the water was blue.______
blue number three. blueness. amber is away. it hits me when i look at this picture. i was with her. we were with her. now we are not. now i am not. so the picture is of amber heading home again to boston.(LtoR) emma has a studded belt. it is harmless though. unless, you dry it in the dryer and throw it at someone. painful? probably. amber has a great knee wrinkle on her right side. if i had a camera and was looking at this image, i would zoom in right there. and yes, you would see it on a billboard advertisement. for real. but alas, i was not standing where my mother was. and hi. that one is me. if i would have know you would be looking at this i might have opened my eyes. apparently, my count was off. hm. it appears big duffel has his tags still on from her arrival. i don't know. that is the way it appears though... and mr. toolbox. my dad is sorting through his massive collection of tools and is preparing his girls for flat-tires and such. nice man. amber's was even equipped with a needle-nose pliers. i checked. ---and hear is some blueness sent to wi. from mass. via phone line. amber's pitbull, drummer, and another pitbull were in a fight. might i mention right here, that drummer was and is a great dog. great, meaning yes, i hung out with him-- and i like him. he is a dog and i like him a lot. amber was at work and i am not going to share the whole tale, right here this instance because i should get back to those bubbles-- but he had to have surgery and now amber is having to make some pretty big decisions.____i think i will be done with the blue thing now. done.

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