Sunday, November 20, 2005

cheerios in the morning

i am still eating them... the cheerios. steven kellog's (i think i mispelled his surname), book Cordina was plastered to the fount of the box. and so i peeled off the enclosed-in-plastic-paperbook and proceeded to read the tale. the story is about a cow following what she loves to do-- Cordina dances... she finds herself in manhattan trying to pursue her desires. i am not telling anymore. you must go and find your own copy. check cub, midway down the aisle, eye-level to the 5' individual.____________i applied for a non-profit job that does sheltering/ housing programs for youth whom are currently homeless. it's in chicago. so, hmmm._____one gentleman punched me hard right in the middle of my chest. (this happened on the unit at work) it is interesting though because there is an ongoing joke around nursing homes and facilties simliar about "the full moon." seriously, though-- it is when behaviors and combativeness increases. blame is always placed on the full moon._____spent the night with shandi on friday. we tried getting her and D's massive screen/ projector to work- but alas it didn't happen. instead i walked her through the process. here's a shout out for -it is fun. so, just get an account already. Tom and i will be your friend, and no worries, there will be others. shandi made me a beautiful dish that her chef friend taught her- and yes, i forgot the name again. it is lovely though. we laughed and just were. it was nice. D's in germany until tuesday- so in a way it felt like we were in the dorms again. ___________saint paul:8-5 yesterday i had the CPR/PR class to take. it was long and boring. i attempted to be positive about it, but it was still long and boring. i did have a great partner. i want to call him sinclaire, but i don't think that is right. oh dear. it was just funny because he was doing the skills well, but than he'd breath way strong into the infant and the entire room could hear his breath- and we'd all crack up about rupturing the lungs. it would not funny at all but in training on annies it make for wonderful midday humor. he didn't want to do the hand thrusts on the back of the infant because it was a baby. and yes, he finally did but you could tell it took a lot out of him. if my child were choking, i would trust "sinclaire" to clear his airway. he is coming to rescue you world!_____tj maxx has some great clearances, i think the arrival of christmas time has beckoned the workers to move more tables with pretty material stuff out. oh, and peir one is wearing a christmas glaze. it might make you smile to enter their doors. _________went to see 'walk the line' with bethany, mark, jordan, becky and ezra. we came during the previews and it was fairly packed, so we didn't get to sit together, but the flim was worth viewing. and seeing those guys was good. becky is starting at northcentral in january, and jordan is now attending some free assoc. bible college in the cities. i mentioned to mark that in a lot of ways attending a bible school really did some damage, though i contradicted myself in the next statement- saying it was a good expeirence too and was worth it. that is about all i said, being vauge because i hadn't completely sorted my thoughts._______ **i feel religious. and i don't like it. i told god last night that i really want him to just be in fount of me. i would like to sit down and have some sort of hot drink, or maybe a white russian... perhaps just water. whatever. i want to see him. i would like to hear him tell me things that no one else knows. yeah, like that women in the bible. i have heard that he is holy and righteous, but i want to see his eyes. i would rather not read stories, about other peoples encounters. yes, i want to be beckoned to the bush and come back glowing and slient. yes, i want to know the man who died so that i would have a chance to live, this day and tomarrow. i would rather not sing songs that have become stangnat and monotone, to the only creator. if i am going to sing, i long for it to become an urgency out of the depths that i don't understand, not because i am prompted to with power point some well know "hit" on pretty christian stations.______see ya. love ya. yeah, i do. so, are you going to go to cub today? the ending is a good one. well... you are entitled to your own opinion. wa ha ha.

1 comment:

  1. i'm so jealous.....i missed out on the movie! ;( oh well. you should stop by again and hang with me!!! i love to see your face! have a good day!
