Sunday, May 22, 2005

a conversion chart and "writer's block"

i took the scuzzy conversion chart of of the cutting table a while ago, because i was sick of the scuzziness. .25=1/4, .5=2/4=1/2, .75=3/4, .33=1/3, .66=2/3... and it went on. the original sheet was tossed-- though not on purpose... as i recall... i usually cut the fabric, however; there are times that the little old ladies come when im at lunch or gone for the day. what can i say? sorry? im not. my coworkers are a bit ticked though because i keep forgetting to make up another conversion chart. i finally taped a sheet with only the quarter increments on it in attempts to ward them off. i guess they get really nervous when their name is announced over the intercom and directs them engage in a conversation concerning grandchildren and percentages of cotton-- fractions are tricky to figure when you are under so much pressure. tonight. that's my homework.**

typically i think the excuse of writer's block is lame. dumb and lame and nothing else. but now im expeirincing it and i kind of just want some sympathy. so now im being lame. writers block doesn't really exist, i thought... it is simply reason to offer when the writer has a less than a motivational drive-- so i thought. so what is it when the mind suddenly goes blank on what one's been working on? maybe its not blockage, possibaly it is the body's way to protect the imagianation and functioning brain from going into overdrive, which eventually could lead to some sort of harm. i have no idea what im taking about. maybe i will now go back to the word processor and type in a place that corrects my spelling and capitalizes my "i's" automatically. maybe my thoughts will come together more apropriatly. word processor project im coming back to you-- whether you want me to or not.**

stawberry tea is pretty good.

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