this weekend that is nearing an end, has been cushioned between one 'restless' week w/ an upcoming projected 'busy' week.
i would imagain this weekend to be the almost, unnoticed- slight pause between a deep exhale and an anticipated deep inhale.
this weekend was relaxing and well-spent, adventuresome and finally i am home, thinking about what prep if any i need to do to my professional attire prior to the morning hours. is the evening sunday hours--red zinger tea w/ a lemon-honey stick to accompany, from a dear friend's mug that i still have in my possesion-- a bit of reading from the Hobbit by a delicious smelling candle's light and yes, i did get a slight headache that i think was worth the 'atsmosphere'--and some reading from the B-I-B-L-E... though, my thoughts nowadays have little to do with the tune sung prior to sunday school.
so, god and i chatted. it wasn't particularly 'good.' but, he did remind me of his holiness, and that the amazing plan never disappeared, and that in the CHAOS and UNSURE HOURS and the BACK-to-BACK MEETINGS and FUN alike- that i could be still and quiet and not have to be in-control, or have it all planned, or innitate, or what-have-you.
i am excited about this week: -about b.s. at my home and then a friend's birthday celebration monday eve, about wednesday's dinner with several fun folks and the possiblities of a nugget's game, about thursday's outting w/ a handful of scum ladies in fancy garb, about friday morning's coffee w/ my current pastor then a drive to see my new lovely loveland sister, then a drive back to the college to assist with activities during the night classes, about a wide-open saturday morning, then catching up w/ the sister+ again for her/their night of introduction, then two more birthday parties' pauses if i am game for it.
i am excited to l i v e it, and NOT have to be in control of any of IT. because... i am only in control of my actions and attitude, and tounge, and more examples that i choose not to list at this point.
bottom line: stillness. and enjoying that. and trusting. and. DONE.
p.s. soon, we'll talk about adventures. 'cause i love them, and the hobbit and his companions are in the midst of a grand one. but for now, i best just be caught-up in the adventure w/out attempting to decipher more of the meaning/ purpose, etc... oh, and immerse myself in the s t i l l.
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