Saturday, July 16, 2005

this computer works fast

i am on the second housesitting adventure. the dog's name is Uma--she is huge and has massive black fur-- and they have an amazing flower garden... i hope i don't kill any of the plants. so, i get to use their quick-running internet service, and eat their food for a week. nice. i hope they have fun on their venture. ***this afternoon's wedding was lovely. we were dripping sweat and i was glad i was a girl and wearing a sundress, rather than a boy and wearing dress pants. the consideration of chopping off my hair did pass rather quickly through my mind; no sissors yet. the bridesmaids wore black... yeah, it was hot. it was good to be in attendence though. ***i hung out a bit after the ceremony but i didn't end up going to the reception. i had some thinking to do. i began traveling towards home but i opted to go a different way. i stopped at this sandstone cliffish thing on the side of the road. the last time i had gotten out at this destination, i probably was age ten. seriously. anyways, i was now in different attire, and i found myself climbing this sandy slope with pen and notebook in hand. i kicked the fine dust and it avalanched down. after forcing the sand off various sides for about twenty minutes i just stood there. and i continued the process of myself being placed rightly before the only god that was and is. i asked him questions. he didn't verbally answer. i asked more. still no noise from the one that is holy. a lot of my questions had "why" as their prefice. "why was i born in the usa?" "why here in wisconsin?" "why do i know the people i do?" "why have you revealed yourself to the deepness of who i am?" "why?"-- the list continued, and than some more. i asked him questions about himself. questions that do not deny that he is more than i could even wonder or imagian. i am not sure. i am being changed more so. religion discusts me. hyporocisy discusts me. pettyness discusts me. but i am also seeing that what i see as petty-- others depict as a catostapic event... i want to be about want really actually matters, but i keep hearing good godly individuals speak of sparkle evangelism-- being extra friendly and nice and than pray for oppurtunities. im not sure i agree, at all. -------------there is a song that goes--"i don't want to be a flame, i want to be a raging fire..." ------- the time on the sandy mount is now valued, even though as i came down i crashed upon my right leg and i thought i may have broken it. geeze. ***so, now i might get a stick sift from my neighbor and pay only a little. it might be like driver's ed all over again. but i would feel tough. we'll see, presently, i still drive the van. yes, thee big and bad van. ***penny informed me that she bought blow-up floaty things. i want the river. actually, wouldn't that be fun- to float in the late night- watch the stars and have your feet immersed? now that is good.


  1. hello jmk...i took you up on your invitation to "visit" you. I enjoy reading your perspectives. its funny how, through this medium, you can get glimpses into people's lives without even knowing their names. the joys of technology. your sandy slope experience is encouraging. questioning and self examination and desire please our Father more than we realize. keep it up and press on.

  2. hi jess.

    stop by anytime. the lemonade in the fridge. help yourself.

    i agree with you about these little glimpses. it is sort of neat. and "funny."

    thank you for your encouragement. and you as well, continue to stand, to jess that i now wave to through the wonders of the www.

  3. were with me that day, at that wedding...drenched in sweat. thanks for the support as i sang my lungs out! you are the best. seriously.
